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Physicians Enhance Knowledge and Skills through Pediatric Grand Rounds

Pediatric Ground Rounds at University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital is a weekly forum for clinicians to discuss the latest developments in pediatric care, giving physicians the opportunity to gain new knowledge about a wide range of pediatric topics and enhance their clinical skills.

Pediatric Grand Rounds are held every Thursday from 8 – 9 a.m. in the Rainbow Amphitheater at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and via live webcast.

View the Pediatric Grand Rounds Schedule

Pediatric Grand Rounds Live Webcasting

For physicians who are unable to attend in person, Pediatric Grand Rounds are also available as live webcasts. For requirements and instructions on how to view a webcast, please refer to these webcasting instructions.

Contact Information

For more information about Pediatric Grand Rounds, contact:

Claudia Hoyen, MD
Director, Continuing Medical Education Program

Erin Lane
Pediatric Grand Rounds Coordinator
Phone: 216-844-3669
Fax: 216-844-1479