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Pediatric Cancer & Blood Disorders

Treating Neuroblastoma in Children and Other Pediatric Cancers

University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital brings world-class pediatric cancer treatment close to home. Our pediatric cancer team in the Angie Fowler Adolescent & Young Adult Cancer Institute is supported by a comprehensive and extensive system of experts who deliver the highest level of care for babies and children with cancer.

Unmatched Level of Support

Our patients enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive continuum of care that only a large health system can provide. In addition, they receive the personal touch and attention of a dedicated care team. We get to know our patients and you get to know us. We offer an unmatched level of support that keeps comfort and compassion at the center of care.

Conditions We Treat

Our team of cancer specialists are focused on lifesaving therapies to treat many types of childhood cancer. From recognizing brain tumor symptoms to providing advanced stem cell transplant care, our expertise in childhood cancer care is comprehensive.

Treating Pediatric Brain Cancer & Other Cancer Types

Pediatric cancers we treat include:

Access to Groundbreaking, Potentially Lifesaving Clinical Trials

For most types of pediatric cancer, we have aggressive research in place to improve outcomes and enhance the quality of life for children.

We lead groundbreaking research and clinical trials to offer the latest advancements in cancer treatment. In collaboration with UH Seidman Cancer Center, young patients have the opportunity to participate in potentially life-saving innovative therapies not available at other pediatric centers. In fact, nearly 85 percent of our patients under age 15 are enrolled in clinical trials for the newest advanced cancer treatments.

Proton Beam Therapy in Children and other Advanced Technologies

Our physicians are leading members of CureSearch, the world’s largest organization for childhood cancer research. As CureSearch members, our physicians serve as senior advisors on National Institutes of Health-funded clinical trials. They also serve as members of national committees on solid tumors, leukemia and bone marrow transplants.

This access allows our patients to be among the first to benefit from potentially lifesaving cancer therapies and procedures. One of these innovative treatment options is proton therapy. This type of radiation uses proton beams to precisely target tumors while sparing healthy tissue. In pediatric patients whose bodies are still developing, proton therapy is a game-changing option for better long-term outcomes.

UH is home to Ohio's first proton therapy center. This facility is the only proton therapy center in the world located on the same campus as a full-service, nationally ranked children's hospital. UH is one of the few hospital systems in the country that offers every radiotherapy available to fight cancer.

We are also on the leading edge of emerging therapies in cancer care. We are one of only two hospitals systems in Ohio to offer CAR T-cell therapy. This innovative new cancer treatment uses the patient’s immune system cells to fight the disease.

Furthermore, advances in minimally invasive surgery that completely removes cancerous tissues are becoming more common. Our cancer surgeons have pioneered these techniques and novel treatments to improve survival outcomes.

A Lifetime of Caring for Babies and Children with Cancer

Many children who have undergone cancer treatment may have multiple challenges for years, even decades, following treatment. At University Hospitals, we offer each child superb cancer care that extends into young adulthood and beyond. As your child grows, we will be there to assist with any cancer- or treatment-related concerns that may arise. Our leading-edge oncologists and other physicians become partners in care for life with our patients and their families.