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Surgery Medical Education

Department of Surgery Medical Education

The Departments of Surgery at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Centerand Louis B. Stokes Cleveland VA Medical Center, in conjunction with Case Western Reserve University, have a long tradition of excellence in education, research and clinical care. Our program has produced a number of leaders in American surgery, and advances in surgical care have originated from our laboratories and clinical activities. We are fortunate to have a large health system which spans Northeast Ohio in addition to the VA Medical Center as  teaching hospitals associated with our residency.

Our residents rotate through these institutions throughout their training and are exposed to the great talents and experience of a large and diverse faculty. Medical students at all levels are also integrated into our research and educational program. Our department is dedicated to academic and clinical excellence and this is evidenced by the national leadership positions occupied by many of our faculty. Our residency graduates have distinguished our program through their success after completion of our program.

Advanced Training Opportunities in Surgical Specialties

In addition to the residency in General Surgery, University Hospitals offers a variety of residency and fellowship training programs for physicians wishing to pursue a specialty surgical career.

In addition to our residency program, the Department of Surgery at University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center offers postgraduate education and training. Our mission with postgraduate education and training is to advance research and education in surgical science across all disciplines and specialties regionally, nationally and internationally. Many training opportunities are offered throughout the year, including: