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Infectious Disease/Wound Care Podiatric Fellowship

The Infectious Disease/Wound Care Podiatric Fellowship is one of two offered by University Hospitals Regional Hospitals Department of Medical Education. The infectious disease/wound care program is one of only a select few in the U.S. recognized and approved by the Council on Podiatric Medicine (CPME).

The program began in 2010 as an advanced fourth-year fellowship and is now a two-year program. The participant must be a graduate of a three-year CPME approved residency program. Currently, candidates are interviewed in the fall and one is selected each year for the two-year program.

The program offers over 150 surgical cases and 1,000 patient encounters incorporating three wound care centers, community hospitals and an academic medical center exposure where there is a higher acuity level and greater opportunity for interdisciplinary medicine. You will experience specialized training in infectious disease, plastic surgery, dermatology and vascular medicine, as well as being involved in scholarly activity incorporating/scientific poster presentations and IRB research projects.

Curriculum & Features

The infectious disease/wound care fellowship’s extensive training curriculum covers all phases of infectious disease, wound care and limb salvage. Learners experience a month of advanced infectious disease studies with ID, vascular and lower extremity specialists at University Hospitals’ main campus, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Cleveland. The balance of the fellowship is a heavily concentrated, hands-on experience – one-on-one – with the program’s attending director.

Fellows care for infectious disease and wound patients at several University Hospitals wound care and subspecialty facilities in a diverse set of urban, suburban and rural environments in northeast Ohio.

How to Apply

Please contact the Medical Education Department if you are interested in becoming a member of our team medicine approach to patient-centered care.

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