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Meet the Team

Daniel Simon, MD 1200x1200
Daniel Simon, MD
President, Academic & External Affairs and Chief Scientific Officer
Debra Leizman
Debra Leizman MD, FACP
Director of Medical Student Education
Elizabeth Harcher
Elizabeth Harcher
Designated Institutional Official for Department of Graduate Medical Education
Yi Fritz
Yi Fritz
Director of Research Operations
Beth Hagesfield
Beth Hagesfield
Vice President, Research
University Hospitals Clinical Research Center
Deb Slogar
Deborah Slogar, CPA
Director of Finance
Kumar Mukesh
Kumar Mukesh
Director of Grants Management and Strategic Initiatives
Jori Mintz
Jori Mintz
Vice President, Director of Foundation Relations
Samudragupta Bora
Samudragupta Bora PhD
Founding Director,
Health Services Research Center
Nicole Bollinger
Nicole Bollinger
Sr. Academic Marketing Strategist
Lisa Hackle
Lisa Hackle
Sr. Academic Digital Strategist
Abigail Zona
Abigail Zona
Academic Affairs Coordinator

Past Team Members

Mukesh Jain, MD, FAHA
Mukesh K. Jain, MD, FAHA
Grace McComsey
Grace McComsey, MD, FIDSA
Vice President, Research & Associate Chief Scientific Officer
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan
Jill Barnholtz-Sloan, PhD
Susan Nedorost
Susan Nedorost, MD
Cathy Battles
Cathy Battle

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Name City Age
John Chicago 23
Lucy Wisconsin 19
Amanda Madison 22

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