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Douglas Rhee, MD

Douglas J. Rhee, MD

Professor and Chairman, Case Western Reserve University
Director, UH Eye Institute

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Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Director and CIARC Medical Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute
Charles I Thomas Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Distinguished Attending Surgeon, UH Eye Institute

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 Irina Pikuleva, PhD

Irina Pikuleva, PhD

Vice Chair of Research
Carl F. Asseff, M.D. Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of the Visual Sciences Research Center
Case Western Reserve University

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Laboratory-Based Scientists

Sudha Iyengar, PhD

Sudha Iyengar, PhD (secondary appointment)

Professor, Population and Quantitative Health Sciences and Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University

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Shigemi Matsuyama, DVM, PhD

Shigemi Matsuyama, DVM, PhD (secondary appointment)

Associate Professor
Ophthalmology and Visual Science (Primary)
Hematology and Oncology, Department of Medicine
Department of Pathology
Department of Pharmacology
General Medical Science
Case Western Reserve University
Case Comprehensive Cancer Center

M. Edward Medof, MD, PhD

M. Edward Medof, MD, PhD (secondary appointment)

Professor of Pathology, Medicine, and Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University

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 Paul Park, PhD

Paul Park, PhD

Associate Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Email: paul.park@case.edu

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 Irina Pikuleva, PhD

Irina Pikuleva, PhD

Vice Chair of Research
Carl F. Asseff, M.D. Professor of Ophthalmology
Director of the Visual Sciences Research Center
Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216-368-1856
Email: jaj110@case.edu

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Douglas Rhee, MD

Douglas J. Rhee, MD

Professor and Chairman, Case Western Reserve University
Director, UH Eye Institute

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Robert Salomon, PhD

Robert Salomon, PhD (secondary appointment)

Mabery Professor of Chemistry and Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University

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Carlos Subauste, MD

Carlos Subauste, MD (secondary appointment)

Professor of Medicine and Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University

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Patricia R. Taylor, PhD

Patricia R. Taylor, PhD

Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Phone: 216-368-5821
Email: prt11@case.edu

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Physician Scientists

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Beth Ann Benetz, MA, CRA

Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Scientific Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Centers, UH Eye Institute

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 Shree Kurup, MD

Shree Kurup, MD

Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Retina Service, UH Eye Institute
Medical Director of Clinical Operations, UH Eye Institute
Director, Uvetis Service, UH Eye Institute
Medical Director, UH Retina Diseases Image Analysis Reading Center (REDIARC)

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Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Jonathan H. Lass, MD

Director and CIARC Medical Director, Eye Image Analysis Reading Center, UH Eye Institute
Charles I Thomas Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Distinguished Attending Surgeon, UH Eye Institute

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Ahmed Omar, MD

Ahmed Omar, MD

Assistant Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Cornea Service, UH Eye Institute

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Faruk H Orge, MD

Faruk Örge, MD

William R. and Margaret E. Althans Endowed Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Pediatric Ophthalmology and Adult Strabismus, UH Eye Institute

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Adam Peiffer, OD, MS

Adam Peiffer, OD, MS

Senior Instructor, Case Western Reserve University
Associate Pediatric Optometrist, UH Eye Institute

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Douglas Rhee, MD

Douglas J. Rhee, MD

Professor and Chairman, Case Western Reserve University
Director, UH Eye Institute

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Shakeel Shareef, MD

Shakeel Shareef, MD

Professor, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Glaucoma Service, UH Eye Institute

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Loretta Szczotka-Flynn, OD, PhD

Loretta Szczotka-Flynn, OD, PhD

Philip F. and Elizabeth G Searle - Suber Huang, M.D. Professor in Ophthalmology, Case Western Reserve University
Director, Contact Lens Service, UH Eye Institute
Director, Vision Research Coordinating Center, UH Eye Institute
Co-Director of Optometric Service, UH Eye Institute

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