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UH Clinical Update

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Marwan Nasif, MD UH Cardiology

UH Interventional Cardiologist Steps Up to Keep Stress Tests Moving for Patients

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Getty image depicting geriatric psychiatry

UH Geriatric Psychiatry Program Serves Needs of Complex Older Adults

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Michael Zell, MD UH Radiology

UH Urologic Surgeon Offers Patients Rare Access to Life-changing Prostate Procedure

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

ROSA ONE Robotic Brain System

New Cranial Robotic System at UH Boosts Quality and Shortens Surgery Times

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Hazel Young, MD UH Radiology

UH Radiologist Relishes Role as Educator and Mentor

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Dominic Sanniti, MD UH Family Medicine

UH Family Medicine Specialist Has Deep Roots in the Community

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Getty image of patient during rehab

Can Your Patient Benefit from Cancer Rehab?

UH Clinical Update | June 2024

Michelle D.Hereford, MSHA, RN,FACHE Chief Nursing Executive

New Innovative Initiatives Enhancing Nursing at UH

UH Clinical Update | April 2024

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