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Getty image illustration of sepsis in blood

UH Rainbow Expert Pivotal in Successful Pediatric Sepsis Collaborative

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Getty image of premie baby in NICU on oxygen therapy

UH Neonatologist Wins NIH Funding to Develop Therapy for Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Samudragupta Bora, PhD

New Health Services Research Center at University Hospitals Aims to Accelerate Translation of Evidence into Practice

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Getty image depicting baby safe sleeping in crib

Multifaceted QI Initiative in UH Rainbow NICU Promotes Safe Sleep

Innovations in Pediatrics | Summer 2024

Dr. Orge with patient

Visionary Innovation: Advancing Pediatric Eye Care with Technology & Education

Faruk Orge, MD, shares his remarkable journey from clinician to discovery innovator through groundbreaking innovations, from AI-driven diagnostics to cutting-edge gene therapies and virtual reality training platforms.

Getty image of young African American cancer patient with IV pole

Making a Difference in Pediatric Cancer and Blood Disorders

Basic research, clinical trials all in the mix - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2024

UH Rainbow Plays Leading Role in PATS Trial Addressing Childhood Snoring

Results recently published in JAMA - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2024 | Innovations in Ear, Nose & Throat | Winter 2024

Child sleeping in Providence sleeping brace Photo Credit: Spinal Technology, LLC

Children with Scoliosis Benefit from Night Time Bracing Offered at UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital

Study provides precise counseling for patients and their families - Innovations in Pediatrics | Winter 2024

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