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Infographic: Sleep Myths

Common Sleep Myths

What's the best temperature for sleep? Should you sleep with your pet? Here’s what the experts have to say about these and other common sleep myths.

Infographic: 5 Brain-Boosting Foods

5 Brain-Boosting Foods

Eating certain foods can not only help slow brain aging, it can also reduce the risk of developing dementia.

How Cancer is Different for African Americans

How Cancer Is Different for African Americans

Getting cancer screenings at the recommended times is the key to both preventing cancer and detecting it early when it's most treatable.

Infographic: How Blood Pressure Is Different for African Americans

How Blood Pressure Is Different for African Americans

High blood pressure affects more than 55% of African Americans, and may require a different approach to prevention and treatment.

Infographic: 5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

5 Tips to Help Improve Spring Allergies

Millions of people are affected every year by seasonal allergies brought on by pollen in spring. Learn what you can do to guard against exposure to this dust-like substance that causes allergy symptoms.

Infographic: Top 10 Health Myths Debunked

Top 10 Health Myths Debunked

There’s no shortage of conflicting health information. Learn the science behind the most popular advice.

Infographic: Are Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?

Are Natural Sweeteners Healthier Than Sugar?

If you’re looking to cut sugar, you may have considered natural sweeteners. Here's what to keep in mind when choosing one.

Infographic: Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

Proper Dental Care Begins with Baby Teeth

Healthy teeth are important to your child’s growth and development. Learn how caring for them starts at birth.

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