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Diet & Nutrition

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Close up of broccoli florets

8 Healthy Foods That Can Be Risky in Excess

A nutritious diet includes a wide variety of foods, but there are some that should be enjoyed in moderation to avoid harmful side effects.

 A variety of soda cans

Is Diet Soda a Healthy Choice?

For those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, diet soda might seem like a sensible option. Learn why artificial sweeteners may be more harmful than sugar.

two teen girls drinking fancy coffee drinks

Frappuccinos and Pink Drinks: Safe for Teens and Tweens?

More and more adolescents are drinking specialty coffee and tea drinks. But are these sweet, caffeinated beverages healthy for young consumers?

Infographic: 5 Brain-Boosting Foods

5 Brain-Boosting Foods

Eating certain foods can not only help slow brain aging, it can also reduce the risk of developing dementia.

Close-up of a woman eating a vegan burger

Vegan, Vegetarian or Omnivore: Which Diet Is Best for You?

If you’re looking for a lifestyle change, a plant-based diet could be good for you. Does that mean that meat is bad? Like most things, it depends.

Infographic: Top 10 Health Myths Debunked

Top 10 Health Myths Debunked

There’s no shortage of conflicting health information. Learn the science behind the most popular advice.

Loving senior couple drinking healthy smoothie in the kitchen at home

Plant-Based Diets Can Boost Mood, Exercise & Sex

Your diet can affect more than just cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight. It may also influence your mood, your athletic performance and your sex life.

Infographic: Cow’s Milk versus Plant Milk: Which is Healthier?

Cow’s Milk vs. Plant Milk: Which Is Healthier?

Plant-based milks have increased in popularity. But are they healthier than cow’s milk?

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