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Infographic: Sleep Myths

Common Sleep Myths

What's the best temperature for sleep? Should you sleep with your pet? Here’s what the experts have to say about these and other common sleep myths.

A female soccer player doing the bicycle kick on a soccer match at a stadium

Good Quality Sleep Improves Youth Athletic Performance

Sleep is a pillar of health, so it’s no surprise that young people who lack adequate sleep may suffer consequences.

A tired teenager at home studying with a personal laptop computer

Narcolepsy: A Hidden Cause of Extreme Daytime Sleepiness

If daytime sleepiness is excessive and interferes with daily life, this misunderstood sleep disorder may be the cause.

A woman talking to her doctor in a medical clinic

Can Ozempic Treat Other Common Diseases Too?

Growing research suggests that Ozempic and similar medications may help treat heart disease, sleep apnea, kidney disease, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), substance use disorder and other conditions, but there is still much to be learned.

Smiling Woman Holds Gummy

How Safe Is Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?

With the legalization of marijuana in many states, more people are turning to the remedy for its medicinal benefits. But how safe is medicinal marijuana?

An older man is lying in bed suffering from insomnia

How to Sleep Better for Your Health – The Effects of Poor Sleep

What are the causes and risks of interrupted sleep? And more importantly, how can you reclaim your restful nights?

A husband sleeps in bed while his wife suffers from insomnia

How Women’s Sleep Changes Across the Lifespan

Hormonal changes as a result of menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can wreak havoc on a woman’s sleep and often go unrecognized.

child sleeping in bed

Helping Your Child Get a Better Night’s Sleep

When a child has difficulty falling and staying asleep it can affect their quality of life. Learn about strategies to help improve sleep and minimize tossing and turning.

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