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Men’s Health

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Young man talking to therapist

Why Mental Health Matters for Men

Men face unique mental health challenges and symptoms, and are less likely to seek help. Improving mental health starts with talking about it.

Illustration of a pensive man facing questions

Are Sperm Counts Declining?

Many factors can affect sperm quality. But not all experts agree that sperm counts are on the decline.

Microscopic view of Syphilis bacterium

Syphilis Is Making a Big Comeback. What You Should Know.

New cases have increased about 80 percent since 2018, a level not seen in the United States since 1950.

A young father bonding and playing with his infant son in their living room

Dads Play an Important Role in Pregnancy & Beyond

When it comes to pregnancy and birth, we often focus on mother and baby. But fathers play a vital role, too.

Infographic: How Being Single Can Affect Your Health

How Being Single Can Affect Your Health

Did you know that being single can bring significant health benefits? Here’s how.

Older man talking to doctor

When Is Active Surveillance the Right Choice for Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer does not always require immediate intervention. Learn when and why active surveillance might be a safe and appropriate treatment option.

Microscopic view of cancer cells

Should You Get Cancer Screenings Earlier?

Cancer research provides the basis for when and how often to screen to save the most lives, while minimizing risks.

Mature man talking to a doctor

Don't Fudge the Facts When You Visit Your Doctor

Honesty is the best policy, particularly when having a conversation with your doctor. Being truthful about your lifestyle is essential for your health and safety.

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