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Sports Medicine & Exercise

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Debra with her husband and daughter, Lauren, who is a physical therapist at UH

Alternative to Rotator Cuff Surgery Leads to Faster Healing

Concerned about a lengthy recovery after rotator cuff surgery, Debra turned to University Hospitals and found a better, minimally invasive option for treatment.

Loving senior couple drinking healthy smoothie in the kitchen at home

Plant-Based Diets Can Boost Mood, Exercise & Sex

Your diet can affect more than just cholesterol, blood sugar and body weight. It may also influence your mood, your athletic performance and your sex life.

Smiling man looking away with male friends in background at exercise class

Is It Safe for People With Heart Disease to Exercise?

Most people know that exercise is important for your health. But for people with heart disease, questions about safety can raise concerns.

Sports Medicine patient Megan poses outside

Two Hip Surgeries and Megan Is Still Running

High school athlete Megan was plagued by hip problems but the expert orthopedic surgeons at University Hospitals got her up and running again.

A female soccer player doing the bicycle kick on a soccer match at a stadium

Good Quality Sleep Improves Youth Athletic Performance

Sleep is a pillar of health, so it’s no surprise that young people who lack adequate sleep may suffer consequences.

Young woman with weights

The Unique Benefits of Strength Training for Women

Strength training provides numerous health benefits for people of all ages, many of which are unique to women.

A man doing a plank exercise at the gym

Can Intense Exercise Put Your Heart at Risk?

Getting regular exercise is one of the best things you can do for your heart. But for some, extreme exercise can pose a risk to heart health.

 A female soccer player kicking the ball during a match

The Benefits of Being a Multi-Sport Athlete for Kids

Young athletes benefit physically and mentally by participating in different sports in different seasons, with time off for rest.

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