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Integrative Medicine

Showing   of 41 results

 A variety of soda cans

Is Diet Soda a Healthy Choice?

For those trying to adopt a healthier lifestyle, diet soda might seem like a sensible option. Learn why artificial sweeteners may be more harmful than sugar.

An active senior practices Tai Chi in a park

The Benefits of Tai Chi for Heart Health

A recent study found that tai chi is equally or more effective than aerobic exercise for lowering blood pressure.

Debora Bruno, MD smiles with a cancer infusion patient

How Integrative Oncology Helps Manage Cancer Side Effects

During and after cancer treatment, integrative oncology uses complementary therapies to help manage pain and other side effects.

Woman sticking her tongue out

What Your Tongue Can Reveal About Your Health

Doctors and dentists routinely examine the tongue because its appearance can reveal a surprising amount of information about your overall health.

Smiling Woman Holds Gummy

How Safe Is Marijuana for Medicinal Purposes?

With the legalization of marijuana in many states, more people are turning to the remedy for its medicinal benefits. But how safe is medicinal marijuana?

Smiling friends playing bongo at music therapy

How Expressive Therapies Help Patients Heal

When coping with stress or illness, expressive therapies – art, music and movement – can provide relief, hope and healing.

Male breast cancer survivor Matthew Wright (left)

Treating the Whole Person

The UH Connor Whole Health Integrative Oncology Clinic provides physician-guided massage therapy and acupuncture to ease cancer patients’ pain.

woman pours milk into glass

Is Raw Milk Safe to Drink?

Raw milk consumption is gaining in popularity, but unpasteurized dairy products can carry dangerous pathogens linked to foodborne illnesses.

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