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Irina Jaeger MD

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Doctor holds model of bladder

Don't Ignore Your Urinary Symptoms

When urinary symptoms occur, they can affect more than quality of life. It’s important to seek treatment to avoid more serious problems.

The Knotts on the beach

After Decades of Struggle, Man Finds Relief from the Urinary Symptoms of BPH

Bob was only in his thirties when he started having pain with urination. He soon realized that medication wasn’t a solution for him. At 60, he made a life-changing appointment with University Hospitals urologist Irina Jaeger, MD.


Enlarged Prostate? This Treatment Can Help You Avoid Sexual Side Effects

Medicine can relieve symptoms of an enlarged prostate, but may cause unwanted side effects, such as ejaculation problems and erectile dysfunction. Learn how one treatment option can avoid them.

Restroom signage

8 Reasons You're Peeing So Much

Most instances of urinary frequency or incontinence don't pose a health risk and can be treated based on the cause and severity.

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